Wednesday, October 14, 2020

 review film nico weg 

Nico's weg is a deutsch film tell about Nico lost his bag in airport. Nico is a tourist from Spain and he go to Germany because he want to see his aunt Yara. In airport he talk to Emma because Emma said that his bag is good, so when Nico lost his bag in airport because his bag take away by a taxi with a busy man , Emma and her aunt Lisa help Nico to find his bag. Lisa tell her dad in police office to help Nico. But Lisa's dad not sure can help or no because Nico passport and all of his stuff is in the bag. 

So Lisa took Emma first to Emma's friend birthday party, after that Lisa took Nico to her flat share. Nico meet Lisa's friend they are Sebastian, Nina and Nawin. They will make a farewell party because their friend Nawin will go to French. In that party Nico meet a girl her name is Selma. I think Nico likes Selma.  

Next day Sebastian found Nico's aunt address and after Lisa taught her course she will looking for the house with Nico, but the address is wrong so nico get back to Lisa's flat share. Then in next day a lot of people see Nawin's room to filled that but no one suits them. Lisa's told to Nico if he couldn't stay in Lisa's flat share more than 2 days so he must looking for a hostel. 

In the end of this film Nico's find a bicycle shop of Yara because Lisa's Friend Max the man that Nico meet in first day he in Germany is a friend of Yara so he have the key of a bicycle shop and Yara is going to Swiss. Then Selma found Nico's bag on the sidewalk so she turned back the bag to Nico and tell he to go shopping. In the end Nico play football with Max friend and got foot ache so Max bring him to hospital. 

The movie doesn't have a conflict so its bored for me. But i learn a lot of new Germany vocabulary and i think this movie is good to people learning German. The differences culture in German and Indonesia is people in flat share because in Indonesia if we live together in one unit with people of different gender we will definitely become the topic of some conversation. 

Nasywaa Salsabilla (23)


Sunday, October 4, 2020

 My goal my ambition 

Hello my name is Nasywaa, im now 16 yo but in october turning to 17. I like biology objects in school and chemistry. My goal is to become a dentist. I don't know why i want to be a dentist in the future. Because of my favorite subject is biology so i think dentist is a good decision for me and i have a role model that inspire me, she is my dentist in Hermina Arcamanik hospital. She very kind and im interest of her work especially if her filling my tooth or take care of my teeth. I hope that in the future i can be her.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Nasywaa and her bestfriend Ariana is bored at home so they go to Paris Van Java mall to shop. They visit store to store to spend money together but in one store Nasywaa confused about one item. 

Nasywaa: Ri do you see that shirt, i think that is cute if i wear blue jeans with that. What do you think of that ?

Ariana: Hmm in my opinion that shirt cute and feminine but how about this?

Nasywaa: Waw its cool the shirt is cute and casual but elegant too, your fashion sense is always good. 

Ariana: Hahha thats true so you can wear the shirt in casual style or formal style. 

Nasywaa; I see in formal style what should i wear with that shirt:

Ariana: I think you should compare the shirt with jeans skirt or material pants then use some accessories example bracelet and wristwatch to make a formal impression. 

Nasywaa: okey i'll take this shirt. After i pay lets go eat, im hungry. 

Ariana: How do you think about genki sushi?

Nasywaa: yummy i happen to want to eat sushi, btw i paid for your food because your opinion help me to choose the shirt.

Ariana: Hahaha thanks i'll wait you in that chair okey i feel my legs ache. 

Nasywaa: okee i will pay this item quickly.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Suggestion & Offers 

One day Nasywaa and Nay hangout to some place together then Nay ask Nasywaa a help and some suggest because Nay dilemma about university.

At A cafe.

Nay: Hi Nasywaa nice to meet you again! how are you?
Nasywaa: Hi Nay im good how about you?
Nay: Im fine i need your help by the way.
Nasywaa: whats wrong? Its something bad happen to you?
Nay: Hmm no, im just dilemma about university.
Nasywaa: i see,can i help you to choose university?
Nay: sure i dilemma about ITB or UGM.
Nasywaa: hmm UGM is nice because it ranks second best university in Indonesia, but UGM too far from home i believe that your parents don't allow if you choose UGM. So how about ITB?
Nay:  getting in to ITB is difficult but ITB is very good because it ranks first best university in Indonesia.
Nasywaa: That's true but if you never give up, you can do it. So i suggest that you must study hard from now.
Nay: Yes i wish i can
Nasywaa: Oww would you come to my house to study?
Nay: Of course, nice idea.
Nasywaa: Okay see u tomorrow in my house.
Nay: Bye see you

Sunday, March 1, 2020

recount text
Bandung Sea of Fire is a large fire events that occurred in the city of Bandung, West Java province, Indonesia on March 23, 1946. Within seven hours, about 200,000 residents of Bandung burn their homes, leaving the city to the mountains in the south of Bandung. This is done to prevent the Allied soldiers and NICA Netherlands to be able to use the city of Bandung as a military strategic headquarters in the Indonesian War of Independence.

British troops part of the Brigade MacDonald arrived in Singapore on October 12, 1945. Since the beginning of their relationship with the government of Indonesia has been strained. They demanded that all firearms in the hands of the population, except for TKR and police, handed over to them. Dutch people newly released from prison camp began to take actions that begin to disrupt security. As a result, armed clashes between England and TKR unavoidable. Night November 21, 1945, TKR and agencies struggle launched an attack on the British positions in the north, including the Hotel Homann and Hotel Preanger which they use as a headquarters. Three days later, MacDonald delivered an ultimatum to the governor of North Bandung of West Java vacated by residents of Indonesia, including the armed forces.

Allied ultimatum that the Army of the Republic of Indonesia (TRI, the designation for the military at the time) to leave the city of Bandung encourage TRI to perform the operation "bumihangus". The fighters of the Republic of Indonesia is not willing parties if Bandung used by the Allies and NICA. Bandung burned decision to be reached by consensus Assembly Persatoean Priangan Struggle (MP3) in the presence of all the power struggle of the Republic of Indonesia, on March 23, 1946 [2]. Colonel Abdel Haris Nasution as the Commander of Division III TRI announce the results of the meetings and ordered the evacuation of the city of Bandung. [Need citation needed] That same day, a large group Bandung long flowing population left the city of Bandung and the burning of the town took place that night.

Bandung TRI and intentionally burned by local people with the intention that the Allies can not use the Bandung as a military strategic headquarters. Everywhere black smoke billowing soar in the air and all of a power failure. British troops began to attack so fierce fighting occurred. The greatest battles took place in the village of Dayeuhkolot, south of Bandung, where there are a large ammunition depot belonging to Allied. In this battle Muhammad Toha and Ramdan, two militiamen BRI (Barisan Indonesian people) falls on a mission to destroy the ammunition depot. Muhammad Toha managed to detonate the dynamite warehouse. Big warehouse exploded and burned along with two militants in it. Bandung city administration staff will initially remain in the city, but for the sake of their safety, then at 21.00 it was also in the group who evacuated from Bandung. Since that time, approximately 24.00 South Bandung was empty of inhabitants and TRI. But the fire still burning city rising, so Bandung became a sea of ​​fire.

Bandung scorched earth is considered to be an appropriate strategy in the War of Independence of Indonesia because of the strength of TRI and people's militia is not comparable to the strength of the Allies and NICA large amounts. After the incident, along with people's militia TRI guerrilla resistance from outside Bandung. These events inspired the song Halo, Halo Bandung creator name is still a matter of debate.

A few years later, the song "Halo, Halo Bandung" is officially written, into the memory of the emotions that the freedom fighters of the Republic of Indonesia experienced at that time, waiting to return to their beloved city that has become a sea of ​​fire..

Sunday, February 16, 2020

edu passion

edu passion


Thursday, January 30, 2020

beauty and the beast 
once upon a time, in a beautiful place there was a merchant who had three beautiful daughters named, pretty, sweety, and beauty. One day the merchant would go to the market and ask his daughters for something when he returned. pretty wanted a beautiful dress, sweety wanted pearls and beauty just wanted a rose. 

When the merchant finished his business, he quickly went home. However, a sudden storm hit and forced him to stop on the way and look for a shelter. Then he saw a large castle but he did not meet  anyone there, the merchant finally decided to take a rest in the castle.
On the next day, when the storm stopped, the merchants decided to continue the return journey. When he wished to get out of the castle, he saw a very beautiful rose contained in the castle garden. Remember his promise to Beauty, he would give her the roses. But suddenly a figure was with terrible beast out. Beast was angry because he found someone who dared to steal his roses.
Beast  wanted to kill the merchant. But merchant beg to apologize to him. Then he told him that he promised to give a rose to his youngest daughter when he returned home.
“I will spare your life, but with one condition, bring your child to me!” The beast word.
The merchant came back to his home with his face looked sad. He told the story to his family included Beauty.
“Dad, I’ll do anything for  you. Do not worry” Beauty said willingly.
Then Beauty began to live with the wild beast in the castle. At first, Beauty was afraid of the beast, but then she knew that the beast was actually kind. In a short time, Beauty and the beast had became good friends.
The wild beast felt glad there was woman who wanted to live with him. Loneliness experienced by many years was gone. One day, the wild beast  asked Beauty to be his wife. Surprised, Beauty said no to the beast. But the beast was not angry about it. Even the next day, the Beast brought the magic mirror to see her family were far away as a gift for her.
And one day, when Beauty was seeing the magic mirror she saw her father was seriously ill. She asked permission from the beast to let her take care of her father. Beast could not refuse the request of the woman he loved. But the beast was requesting Beauty must be returned in 7 days. Beauty was very grateful and rushed home to her family and take care of her father.
The merchant felt ill because of a broken heart knowing his beloved youngest daughter went and lived with the beast, the  merchant condition was better. However, Beauty forgot her promise to return to the palace within 7 days. In the evenings, Beauty got nightmares. She dreamed that the beast was dying.
Beauty was scared, so she decided to return to the castle immediately. In the castle, she found the beast lying on the ground with his eyes closed. Beauty was sad, then she hugged the beast and said that she would be his couple. Suddenly a miracle happened. The beast magically transformed into a handsome man.
“Actually, I was a prince of the castle. A witch turned me into a beast and only true love of a girl could turned me back to normal" Then the Beauty and the prince got married and lived happily in the palace forever.

Created By : SekolahBahasaInggris.Com | 2014

Sunday, January 12, 2020

This is not exited holiday for me, because I didn't go anywhere and just stayed at home. In home I just watched movie, scroll instagram and read book. The first movie I watch is Aquaman, second movie is 500 days of summer and the last movie i watched in holiday is Imperfect. But sometimes I went to mall like PVJ. I went to PVJ on new years eve and many people in there. I went to PVJ for shopping because all stores in PVJ have year-end sale. 

In 1st january i went to lembang, visited great Asia-Africa. The entrance ticket is not affordable for me because the construction has not been completed. Great Asia-Africa just for took a photo and studied about culture of  Asia-Africa country.I little bit uncomfortable in Greet Asia-Africa because many people visited that place too but the facility is has been yet. After visited Greet Asia-Africa I went to Purwakarta and eat satay maranggi. 

In last holiday i went to my grandma house, because my grandpa is sick and my dad want to bring him to the doctor. In grandma house I just played game in my phone and read Geez and Ann book. I stayed for 3 days in my grandma house because in Monday I must go back to basic, ya Monday is school, so I returned to Bandung in Sunday afternoon.