Thursday, November 4, 2021

Social media influence to young people

 Social Media Influence

    Social Media is an internet based form of communication. In social media we can have a conversation with someone else , share information and joined virtual community. Example of social media is Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Line and many else. 

    Social media can give positive influence to our live. With social media we can share and get information easier. We can also communicate with people around the world. By communicating with a lot of people we can expand our knowledge. 

    On the other hand, social media can make us addicted to it. If we are addicted to social media we can forget to socialize with people around us, we can forget to study prepare our future and waste a lot of time doing nothing but having fun on social media. Social media can also give us negative influence. We can get exposed to false information and bad behaviors from social media.

    In conclusion social media can be useful for our life. But, we teenagers need to be aware of its negative effects. If we use social media wisely, we can avoid the negative effects and improve our life.